CXC Information Technology

Take CXC IT & Get Work From Home, Computer Repairs or a Trading Class absolutely Free. (That’s a $500 savings!)

Duration: 1 Year

Cost:$995.00 CashPayable in installments:
$95 Deposit & 25 Weekly Payments Of $40 (Total $1095)

$50 Discount for Past AMS Students on all subjects.

Register today and come and have a great time with us.

This syllabus is designed to provide a coherent view of the significance of information in a socio-economic context. Emphasis is placed on application of knowledge, problem-solving using the computer, and proficiency in using productivity tools. This approach has been adopted in recognition of the impact that changes in the availability of information can have on the educational process. Focus is placed on getting students to develop skills for life in an increasingly technological world, rather than on students absorbing a myriad of seemingly unrelated facts which may have only short term relevance.

The syllabus aims to expose candidates to a wide range of Information and Communication Technologies, affording learning experiences which include an element of discovery, and foster self-confidence. Candidates would also acquire computer-related practical skills that will prepare them to meet the region’s need for increased productivity and efficiency in a fast changing technological world. The syllabus has been organized to offer certification at the General Proficiency only.

The syllabus is organised under eight main sections.

Section 1Fundamentals of Hardware and SoftwareSection 2Problem-Solving and Program DesignSection 3Program ImplementationSection 4Applications and Implications of Information and Communications TechnologySection 5Information ProcessingSection 6Word processing, Presentation and Web Page DesignSection 7SpreadsheetsSection 8Database Management